Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Top 5 Foods To Get Abs For Women

There are alot of fad diets out there that claim to have the answer to helping women get abs. All of them vary from each other and most do not really help at all. Time has shown, however, that there are at least 5 foods that seem to have an impact on gaining muscle and losing weight. If you try an incorporate these 5 foods into your diet, then getting abs should become alot easier than what they mainsteam fashionable diets probably suggest.


Ab Food #1. Avacodos.

At first, you might be thinking that avacodos are thought of as a fat food. Truth is, avacadoes have tons of antioxidant, minerals, and nutrients. The fats contained in avacados are all the healthy types your body needs. This is very high in mono-unsaturated fat. Why eat these? Because this combination of healthy fats you redieve will help increase the hormones in your body used for weight loss and muscle building to get firm abs.

Ab Food #2. Berries.

Berries can range from the typical raspberries, blueberries, to unknown Goji berries. Berries are essential to anyone trying to get abs because of the great source of fiber they contain. Fiber is what slows down your carbohydrate absorption as well as prevents insilin spikes. Spikes in insolin is what may lead to fat gain again. Berries contain tons of vitamins and minerals your body needs as well. The best way to eat berries is to mix them up or put them together in a dish. Berries go great as a topping to things like cereals.

Ab Food #3. Grass fed Beef.

Please be aware, this is not the type of beef you are probably buying at your grocery store. Why grass fed beef, though? Because that is the natural diet of cattle and includes the right amount of omega 3 fatty acids. Typically, the beef you get at the grocery store was raised on grains which has too much omega 6 fatty acid in it. Another thing this type of meat has is CLA, a type of acid that supports lean muscle growth.

Ab Food #4. Nuts

Nuts include walnuts, pecans, almonds and others. You probably didn't know that nuts actually help with weight loss. Nuts are similar to the avacoadoes because they contain the healthy fat used to control blood sugar. Also, they are loaded with protiens needed to support muscle growth. It is important, though, not to eat roasted nuts if you can. Try to find raw ones because the quality of the nutrients is much better.

Ab Food #5. Eggs

Last but not least is one of the most important foods for abs, eggs. And not just regular eggs but whole ones. It is important to eat the yolk of the eggs because that is were almost all the nutrition is. Eating eggs from wild chickens or ones that were allowed to roam free is much healthier than your store bought eggs. Whole eggs contain essential amino acides and quality protien used build muscle in the abs.

I hope this helped you and got you thinking about your diet. If you want to learn more about abs and how women can get a great, flat body in no time at all, visit our Abs For Women site.

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