Sunday, May 1, 2011

How do you deal with a mom with menopause when im a teenager with my own hormone problems aka being a teen?


okay my mom is going through menopause and im 13 going through "teenager hormones" and we're always fighting, what can i do to make the problem better


You just need to give each other some space. Menopause is not as much of an emotional coaster as puberty. You don't need to be so self centered, though. You're mom has been where you are, and if you talk to her, I'm sure she can help you and has plenty of good advice. If you're constantly fighting though, sometimes is just good to give each other some space. For a while almost every time I talked with my dad I would fight with him, even at dinner. So I stopped talking to him as much. Not like I cut off all contact with him, but I avoided long car rides alone, or talking about things that I knew would trigger a fight. And I did my best not to lash out when he would say things that bugged me. I would talk to my mom about it, and she would talk to him, usually toning it down a bit. So maybe try talking to your dad about issues. He has the best shot of reasoning with your mom. If it's really bad, he can act as a mediator between the two of you. That's why people have two parents. It helps to even things out. Good luck!


If you and her are relatively close talk to her about the fact you both are going through these things that are so similar even though there different hormonal problems, you might even be able to get a closer relationship with her. Thats what happened with me and mine when i was younger. Wed get frustrated or aggrivated and blame everything on the hormones, got to be almost an even understanding between us. Probably would mean a hell of alot to her if you did and talked with her about it too


Be more understanding and empathetic. She may not realise how she may be affecting you with her "behaviour" but you may be just as disagreeable and just not see it, its always harder to see fault in ourselves rather than everybody else. Maybe ask to have a talk with her ( not a screaming argument) and point out how you are feeling. I think its great that you see that you are both dealing with hormonal rises and drops that's the first step to resolving any problems that may arise.


I'm dealing with the same thing. One thing you can do is do all you can to is calm your nerves down with some music and if she says things to you that seems hurtful turn it up and just jam. Another thing you can do is talk it over with your mom and tell her how u feel and since she is going through hot flashes and mood swings, try and help her out and ask if she needs anything to be courteous.


I am also going through that same problem, I am 17 and my mom is going through menopause, just be patient with her. Also, talk to her about any problems that you are having and tell her what you are thinking, she has been through what you are going through and Im sure she can help you. Good luck!


When your mom is going through hot flashes, just go to your room and leave her be, she needs peace. When you are going through your own homone mania-go to your room and give both of you a little peace. I think that is the ONLY answer. Hormones are never a good mix. Good Luck, you know when things will get really overheated, use that as a key to stay away from each other. God Bless, Peace, Emma


Get out of the house for as long and as often as you can. You will NEVER adjust to the personality conflicts she is displaying. They change at the drop of a dime totally unexpectedly. Dealing with it is impossible. Just take care of yourself and try not to internalize the madness. It's not your fault.


ya, what a drag, being a woman, life get to kick ya round, not just once, but later in life as well. Take notice, maybe she won't be too bad? But as her daughter pay close attention cause hereditarily you'll probably have it, around the same age, level of symtoms and discomforts. It helps a lot later to remember. Try to tolerate her and....avoid when you can't, hopefully she'll use the same wisdom. If you realy need some down time, try to learn to meditate, it's pretty easy to learn and helps incredibly, especially in the long term.


At least you understand what's happening, that's half the battle. When you and Mon are both not feeling emotional...if that ever happens at the same time, would be a good time to talk to her about what you stated above. It's hard, but just try to go with the flow so to speak. If you're feeling emotional, go for a walk, read a book, turn on a good movie. Just try to stay away from Mom, and maybe she'll do the same. Hope this helps....


omg i have the exact same prob (cept im 14)0i can get so frustrated sometimes! i helps tho to just go in you room and try to ignore it, just do something that will get your mind off it. other then that idk what else cuz i have the same thing happenng!


what can you do to make the problem better..... don't agravate her. she is older, bigger and has the ability to squash you like a bug.. that means she wins!!!


i think you should come down and try to be nice ask her does she want to do something to ease things over talk to her about your mood swings that your bound to have


just try work out

Cascade-Chipita Park
Branson West

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