Sunday, May 8, 2011

Get Rid Of Your Nail Fungus and Candida By Using Oil Of Oregano

Skin infections are some of the most annoying of all skin diseases. The conventional way of treating them is through the application of special ointments to the affected area or by taking pills or tablets. All of these standard treatments however have minor and sometimes serious side effects. Dermatologists usually recommend the treatment period to be only for a short period to avoid serious complications.

An attractive alternative treatment is by using oil of oregano. This oil was used for centuries to cure ailments ranging from skin diseases to digestive and respiratory disorders. The essential oil comes from the crushed leaves of the wild oregano plant found in Turkey, Greece and Portugal. It is extracted from the leaves by using cold process where heat is not used.

A number of experiments and studies conducted by some universities in the United States found that the potency of oregano oil comes from its two active ingredients. These are carvacrol and thymol which acts together to kill harmful microorganisms. The studies also showed that pathogens were not able to develop resistance against it. They also found that the treatments did not produce side effects. 

Nail Fungus
You can safely use oregano oil in treating nail fungus. This condition is called Onychomycosis and is caused by the fungus tinea. It is so widespread in the United States that 6 to 8 % of the population is affected by it. Since this fungus goes deep down the nail bed, ordinary ointments will have difficulty of penetration. But with oil of oregano, you only have to apply it in the affected toe nail and soak the toe in hot water for 30 minutes. Do this preferably twice a day until the fungus disappears. You can also facilitate the treatment by taking in two or three drops of oil under your tongue twice a day.

Candida albicans is the most common fungus that causes Candidiasis, a yeast infection that plagues women. They grow in moist places where the infection is typically contracted. Oil of oregano can also kill this type of fungus. In this case, mix one drop of oregano oil to two drops of olive oil and apply in the affected area. This oil is highly active therefore apply it as gently as possible if the affected area is in the genitals to prevent irritation or pain. For internal infection, take one or two capsules per day.

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