Friday, April 1, 2011

Could this be the start of the menopause?


HiI am 42 and for the last 12 months or so my periods have been more painful than before. Also the blood tends to be browner for the first couple of days and the last day. The period isn't stopping or slowing down but getting slightly heavier. I wondered if these were signs of the start of the menopause. I'm not having other symptoms (that I'm aware of - hotness etc), just the change in the period.


Menopause is defined as a woman's last menstrual period. The average age of menopause is 51, so you may be perimenopausal? Maybe this menopause self-assessment questionnaire might give you some action steps?


Hi - it could be the Perimenopause period; the years leading up to actual Menopause. However, uterine pain (or pain in that area) that is NOT normal to you, should always be investigated by your Doctor. You could have a fibroid (or several) and these can cause heavier flow than normal. Whilst you are at the Doctors, you could ask for a blood test for menopause, which detects follicle-stimulating hormone in the blood. The results, the levels of FSH, can indicate changes, especially when compared to typical hormone levels and previously measured hormone levels. This test might be a good idea for you, as you are not displaying other obvious signs of menopause. If you can, find out from your mother and your maternal grandmother when they began their menopause; this will provide you with a good indicator of when you can expect yours to start. Good luck.


Your family doctor can take a blood test which will tell you if you are approaching the perimenopause (mentioned in previous answer). Your experience sounds exactly the same as mine. I didn't get any hot flushes until I reached 50, and then only for a couple of years. My menopause was nothing at all like my mother's and grandmothers' as I was brought up in a different era with better nutrition and social conditions, so family stuff is not always relevant. ps I don't know who gave David a negative point as he gave a valid answer.


menopause starts at about the age of 50. im not really sure, but i think the symptoms is you don't get your period anymore when u have menopause. But if want freedom from menopause then take MENOQUIL and see change in your life.


don, t sweat it(no pun intended). my wife started early with irregular periods. the night sweats caused by hormone changes were really bad. she, s basically past all of that, and never misses the entire process at all.

Black Oak
South Weber
Sulphur Rock
Salmon Brook
Chain O' Lakes-King

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