Monday, June 25, 2012

Secondary amenorrhea or absence of menstruation

Secondary amenorrhea is the ceasing (absence) of menstruation for a phrase longer than 90 days for a woman of reproductive vale of years.

Causes and symptoms of amenorrhea

The causes that produce the pretence of secondary amenorrhea are multiple. For this reason it is extremely important to donative yourself to your gynecologist if you have to deal with lack of menstruation. The greatest in number common cause of absence of menstruation is pregnancy. Beyond pregnancy be able to occur various other factors such since ovarian disease (ovarian, polycystic ovaries, anovulation), hyper secretion of prolactin, pituitary tumors, genital extent abnormalities, anorexia, bulimia, stress, weight redundancy or deficiency, malnutrition, depression or enormous exercise.

The main symptom of subordinate amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation because of a period longer than 90 days. Depending without ceasing the causes that produce amenorrhea may exist accompanied by other signs such at the same time that headaches, breast secretions, visual disturbance or extreme hair growth (hirsutism).

Diagnosis of inferior amenorrhea

If you have shortages beneficial to a long period, it is of importance to go to a doctor who can determine exactly which is the incentive of this disorder. As mentioned too high for, secondary amenorrhea may be a token of other diseases. For this intellect it is important for the physician to perform some tests to descry abnormalities. Beyond regular gynecological examination, the learned man will recommend performing blood tests to lead levels of hormones secreted by the pituitary gland and ovaries.

Treatment of minor amenorrhea

Method of treating secondary amenorrhea leave be determined depending on the cause that produced it. Thus, hormonal treatment is given for conditions such in the manner that ovarian failure or deficiency of estrogen. If there are anatomical abnormalities of the genital sermon, pituitary or hypothalamic tumors, surgery is recommended. When delegate amenorrhea is caused by nutritional deficiencies, the specialist will recommend a balanced diet. Equally weighty is the attempt to reduce accent and maintain a healthy lifestyle, which to exclude alcohol and tobacco.

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