Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You, Menopause and the Exercise Pill

Wow, seriously! More than 60% of American women of all ages do not do the recommended amount of exercise as prescribed by the U.S. Surgeon General. And 25-40 % of women in America, as well as up to 56% of Canadian women, between the ages of 45-65, are doing nothing, absolutely nothing, at all. I bet there is a lot of other unhealthy news though out the rest of the globe; I am just not that familiar with those statistics.

No wonder menopausal women are sick and tired of being sick and tired. How are our unused and abused bodies going to function and keep us healthy and going for the next 30-50 years, if we don't do a thing to help our poor bodies out?

It's like owning a car; and you never change the oil, always give it crappy gas and never get a tune up. And then you expect that car to just run, well, with no problems, for miles and miles.

We need to treat our bodies like the best friend that it truly is...with love respect, and care. You might be saying, "Not that, I am exhausted, and I can't try and deal with this demand on my time, too". What if exercise was the pill that could make you feel better?

Think exercise won't help with anything you are going though...I bet it will and can:

- Exercise gives you more energy
- Exercise helps you to sleep
- Exercise helps counter anxiety and depression
- Exercise helps you to relax
- Exercise helps you cope with stress
- Exercise improves your self-image
- Exercise gives you an opportunity to socialize and meet new friends

Did you notice anything in that list that might sound like how you feel?? Your body is crying out for a little help here. Stronger muscles aid that 'Bestie" body in a lot of ways.

When bone is stressed though weight bearing exercise, it increases bone mass and reduces bone loss. So it helps with osteoporosis.

When you increase in your muscle mass, that reduces the amount of fat you carry, and your body does a better job of burning calories.

When you add strength and flexibility exercises to your life, it helps decrease your risk of falls, it also increases your stability. Less injuries and less chronic pain is a good thing.

Stronger muscles protect us from injury during normal daily activities. Everything from gardening, lifting, or vacuuming becomes easier.

Core exercises strengthen the muscles in your abdomen and back, helping to prevent low back pain. These exercises also help to improve your posture.

My back used to hurt all the time, why? Because the muscles in my back and stomach were so out of shape, they were doing nothing to support my frame and my bones. So one wrong twist or lift, and I was down flat and out of commission for a number of days.

Once I decided to strengthen all those core muscles, wallah, my back doesn't hurt anymore. My knee was truly wacked too, same deal, out of shape, no muscle strength, and now it works better than it has in years.

Sure, it's hard to get motivated to get out there.. But I bet once you get going, you are really going to be glad you did. And you will feel so much better, mentally and physically because you did something.

Seriously, this is really good for you.....THERAPY.

Grab a girlfriend,, take off and dish your heart out, while you walk around the park.

Join an exercise dance class and go 3 times a week after work. This is a great way to blow off steam, and work on your sexy.

How about water aerobics...if its 100 degrees or 10, you can still be in the heated water moving that body. (Sweating and hot flashes don't have much effect on you in this exercise...nice!)

I do some of my best thinking when I am out on a hike. Something about that time alone, thinking, gives me another way to look at a problem, and usually, find a solution.

I am asking you to do something for YOU, pretty please?

If your best friend asked for help, you would be there in a heart beat, right? Guess what, your heartbeat needs you to be there, for it, and the rest of you.

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