Thursday, August 4, 2011

Surrogate Mother

After few years of marriage every couple wants to experience the parenthood but sometimes when they can't, they feel really bad and embarrass. Especially when a woman unable to conceive due infertility problem then it becomes really a embarrassing situation for her. But with the increasing technology these days modern science has given a opportunity to such couples and it is possible for a woman to have her own baby in her hands even if she is unable to conceive due to having a medical condition that makes it impossible or dangerous to give birth to a baby because she has option called Surrogate mother.

When a couple has so strong desire of having a child then they resort the services of a Surrogate mother. She can be both an Egg Donor and the one carries your child and genetically relate to the child she is carrying. She helps such infertile couples to enjoy the fundamental right of parenting children. In fact, it can also be taken as an aided reproduction technique, in which fertilization will be done in vitro (in glass) and after fertilization the consequential embryo is then implanted into the surrogate mother's uterus.  

There are two types of surrogacy which can be defined as: Traditional surrogacy and Gestational surrogacy. In traditional surrogacy only intended father has to give his sperm which is inseminated into the uterus of the surrogate which means only intended father biologically relate to the child but mother biologically not relate to the child. On the other hand, in Gestational surrogacy both intended father and mother genetically relate to the child because ovum and sperm both taken from the couple and combined to create embryos into the lab which is then transferred into the uterus of the surrogate.

Infertility plays an important role in order to constrain a couple to keep eying for a Surrogate mother to experience the parenthood. One of the best things about the option called surrogacy is that these days a big number of clinics available that help such couples to find a best surrogate mother for them. As well as facilitate the process of fertilization at an affordable cost.

In addition, Delhi IVF clinic plays a promising role in order to helping the couples experience parenthood without having any worry related to the process because it specialize in IVF-egg transfer, identifying surrogates and assisting the couples in legal and contractual process as well. It not only make possible for the surrogate to undergo the medical process to get conceive but ensure the couple as well to begin the path to parenthood with the surrogate mother.

This is to say, couples who are suffering from the infertile problem doesn't have to worry at all because with the option called surrogate mother they can achieve their parenthood dream easily. Why waiting visit Delhi IVF NOW!

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