Friday, August 26, 2011

Kiwifruit Benefits During Pregnancy

Nutrients of very kind are always important to maintain good health but the requirements for some specific ones increases significantly during pregnancy, after all, you have your needs and now you're supplying extra for baby too.

Although the kiwifruit has been called a "superfood" by many and is talked about in at least a couple of nutrient books I've recently read, as one of the most nutrient-dense and generally most complete foods on earth, it can't provide large amount of every nutrient you need. Having said that, it is the most complete fruit of all, containing a wider range of nutrients than any other fruit. Here we look at the specific nutrients that are beneficial for pregnant women.

Folic acid is one of your most important vitamins during pregnancy

Folate - You can get almost 10% of the RDA of folate from a single kiwifruit. Folate is in the B vitamin group and is the most important nutrient for producing and maintaining new cells. This makes it especially important during pregnancy and for your baby. It's recommended to start increasing your folic acid intake as early as 4 weeks before conception and continue to the end of the first trimester.

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