Tuesday, August 23, 2011

If I Told You That You Are Mostly Responsible for Your Ovarian Cysts, Would You Believe Me?

This is probably not the kind of thing you want to listen to right now but to be perfectly honest with you and looking at the stats as well as all the comments, advice, medical research and so on, I have come to the conclusion that women may indeed somewhat be responsible for letting their ovarian cysts ruin their lives.

Of course, this isn't a blunt accusation and I have no intention of really putting the blame on women who suffer day in and day out but what I want to do is help you see how you are partly responsible for not being able to eradicate this painful and sometimes debilitating illness.

One thing first, do you take your condition seriously and by this I mean have you visited your physician to find out what kind of cyst you are suffering from?

Lack of common sense...

I'll tell you that most women very often tend to rely on their friends' advice instead of taking a trip to their local doctors in order to find out what's wrong with them.

As the title suggests, you may well be responsible for your ovarian cysts if you do not investigate the problem and I know many women who actually choose to ignore the symptoms and purchase over-the-counter medications without knowing exactly what they're suffering from and which implications these medicines could have on them.

Their choice is motivated by many different factors and once again I am not casting any serious judgement but it is quite fair to say that we all sometimes put off a medical test thinking that "it can wait"...

If you have done the right thing so now what?

Okay, let's assume that you have visited your doctor's and you have been through lots of different medical examinations and been prescribed some medications.

Now, I assume that if you are reading this article it is most probably because the symptoms have not subsided and even possibly worsened, which is not unusual since the medications prescribed by doctors will only cover up the symptoms instead of getting to the root cause of the problem.

That's the number one issue and this is in fact the real to eradicating your ovarian cysts for good.

If medication hasn't worked for you, have you sought out other options?

Have you been curious and investigated other avenues and maybe visited forums and discussed the condition with other sufferers?

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