Saturday, August 27, 2011

How to Cure a Yeast Infection with Ingredients from Your Kitchen

Learning how to cure a yeast infection safely and effectively is a question by many women. It is a little-known fact that yeast infection also occur in men and babies. It is a misconception that yeast infection occurs only in the genital area. Yeast infection, or candidiasis, can also occur in the mouth (thrush), on nail beds, or on almost any part of the skin, particularly beneath skin folds.

Most yeast infection sufferers opt for over-the-counter medications. A yeast infection treatment from the drug store, offer relief from the condition's characteristic like itching, burning, and redness. Often the remedy is short-lived and the infection recurs. There must be a more effective means of approach on how to cure a yeast infection.

In fact, there are numerous methods on how to cure a yeast infection. Natural remedies are simple, inexpensive, safe and effective.

In order to appreciate why natural remedies work better as yeast infection treatment, you have to understand how and why the infection develops. Yeast is a part of the body's natural flora but the growth of the fungus is kept in check by the body's healthy bacteria. Certain conditions, such as the alteration of the body's pH environment and/or the weakening of the healthy bacteria, allow the fungus to proliferate.

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