Wednesday, August 3, 2011

First Trimester Precautions You Should Take

The first trimester of a woman's pregnancy; the first three months calculated after her LMP (last monthly period) are perhaps the most crucial portion of her pregnancy, because some of the most significant developments occur in the fetus at this time. The risk of a miscarriage and other pregnancy complications such as an ectopic pregnancy are also highest during the first trimester.

So taking certain precautions in the first trimester of pregnancy are of vital importance because all the major organs of the body are beginning to develop at this time, and anything going wrong before the establishment of the pregnancy can have far-reaching consequences –

Substance abuse

Needless to say, all illegal or recreational drugs should be discontinued at this time and women who smoke should give up their habit because of the various complications and birth defects associated with drug use and smoking during pregnancy. This can also increase risk of miscarriage.

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