Sunday, July 24, 2011

Understanding Cysts And Their Treatment Methods

 Cysts are categorized in the hundreds, specifically because they can show up in any part of the body. Some commonly recognized cysts are cysts of the thyroid, ovarian cysts, popliteal cysts (occurring behind the knee), ganglion cysts (those which occur on the joints and tendons), chalazions (eyelid cysts), and sebaceous cysts.

Some cysts develop due to infections but others for no apparent reason. Cysts of this nature can compress tissues, trapping air, fluids, or semi-solids inside them. They can be extremely painful, dangerous to your health, and must receive immediate medical attention.

To determine how to treat cysts, you have to first know the cause of the cyst along with its location.

Large cysts may need to be surgically removed. During removal procedures, the cyst is either drained of fluid or it is aspirated using a catheter. Procedures such as this employ radiologic imaging during the draining or aspirating process, especially if the cyst contents are not easily accessible.

Cysts which are surgically removed will usually be tested for cancer if your physician has suspicions about its occurrence. A biopsy of the cyst wall (known as the capsule) may be taken. This is just to rule out malignancy. In some procedures, the fluid from the cyst is examined for cancer cells.

For benign cysts which occur as part of a medical condition (such as fibrocystic breast disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, and similar conditions), the treatment is not usually directed towards the cyst. Rather, the predominant medical condition is addressed through proper medication.

Some people choose to use natural treatments to reduce cysts. Here are some popular ones.

Water or tea soaks: Cysts can simply be dabbed with a cloth soaked in lukewarm water. This helps reduce inflammation. Alternatively, you can heat up a tea bag, cool it down a bit and squeeze the water out. Place the tea bags over the cysts. Eventually, the moisture and warmth will help the cyst pop naturally.

Echinacea and Milk Thistle: This natural immune system booster helps increase white blood cells that fend off abnormal cells in the body. For cysts, Echinacea may be taken capsules for ten days, while Milk Thistle capsules may be taken twice a day for relief.

Chasteberry: Known as Vitex agnus-casta, chasteberry helps restore hormonal balance, which is believed to be a cause of ovarian cysts.

Remember, it is important to consult your physician to get the best recommendations for your situation.

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