Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Try A Natural Remedy For Yeast Infections For Quick Relief

Most women have experienced at least one yeast infection in their lives. Yeast infections are usually not serious, but they can cause itching, irritation and embarrassing odor. Hormonal changes, lowered immune system and diabetes can all cause a yeast infection to develop.  Doctors can prescribe medication that can cure yeast infections, but they can be quite expensive so it is best to try a natural remedy for yeast infections first. Some home remedies that have been approved for yeast infection treatment include yogurt, garlic, apple cider and water.

Yogurt contains bacteria that can help fight yeast infections. The good news is that most women enjoy yogurt and have it readily available in their homes.  For the best results, a person should buy plain and unsweetened yogurt. The yogurt should be applied to the internal and external vaginal area at least twice a day. Simply eating the yogurt may also help clear up the yeast infection.

Garlic is another natural remedy for yeast infections because it is a natural antibiotic. A woman should insert a garlic clove into her vagina every few hours to get relief. Garlic can also be just as beneficial if it is ingested as long as it is taken with plenty of water.

Apple cider has many health benefits and it is also a natural remedy for yeast infections.  Apple cider is very strong and has somewhat of a bitter taste, so it is best that it not be ingested. For the best results, a woman should put this in the bathtub while she is taking a bath at least once  a day.

Plain water can also be very effective for treating yeast infections. Most studies suggest that a person needs 8-10 cups of water a day. Drinking more than that can be very effective at getting rid of yeast infections. Water helps the body flush out toxins and that includes toxins that can cause yeast infections. Many people drink sugary beverages and high levels of sugar have been proven to cause yeast infections. The best thing about drinking water is that it is readily available and has no side effects.

Yeast infections can be quite embarrassing and annoying, but if a woman has not had one, she can expect to get at least one in her lifetime. Fortunately, many yeast infections can be cured by using yogurt, garlic, apple cider and drinking plenty of water. However, if a person finds that using those home remedies does not work or the infection gets worse, it is time to see a gynecologist because there can be a serious underlying problem.

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