Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pregnancy Tips for the Expecting Mother

Motherhood is the most beautiful and the utmost responsible time period for any expecting mother as it brings a lot of care towards yourself and the unborn. Responsibilities and duties start from the day a woman gets pregnant. Pregnancy gets a woman in delicate state of health and it is worse when it is along with work. According to doctors, pregnant women can work till the sixth month of pregnancy but extra attention should be taken during this time. Certain pregnancy tips an expecting mother should always keep in their mind. Tips about the exercises schedule, diet, resting time, water intake, clothing style.

These given pregnancy tips should be part of any pregnant woman. Such certain tips are:

Regular walk and exercise, during pregnancy is beneficial for a pregnant woman. The discomfort and fatigue can be very well treated.

Pregnant woman shouldn't keep their stomach empty. Best is to keep some crackers along and eat some of it as one wakes up. This will take over morning sickness.

To prevent dehydration, intake of liquids should be increased during this time period. Approximately 10 glasses of water should be taken each day and very exceptional care should be taken in summer pregnancy.

For working woman special care should be taken and special effort has to be made.  Few of the pregnancy tips for the working woman are:

The most important pregnancy tip for any working women who is expecting is to take proper diet. Often working women tend to overlook food, or they don't take food untimely. Any of these factors can be hazardous to the health of the mother and the child. The priority should be to keep up the energy level at work. Thus, include more of carbohydrates and proteins.


The second tip for working women is to wear comfortable clothes. That means loose fitting clothes which doesn't put any sort of pressure on the fetus.


Pregnant women often observe problem of swollen feet which is mainly caused due to flawed circulation of blood. To ensure proper blood circulation it is essential for the working women to do some free hand exercise and also walk around a bit after every half an hour. This will also ease your stressed muscles and avert back pain.


Special care should be done and effective measures to be taken before the pregnant delivery.  Labor period needs a lot of attention. Pregnant delivery is a time wherein utmost rest is needed. Therefore the mother should dedicate herself to the gynecologist.

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