Monday, June 27, 2011

How to choose the right contraceptive pill?

There has been a big confusion among the members of the fairer sex about which contraceptive pills to use. The market is flooded with different types of pills that help in post-coital contraception and it is a little difficult for most women to make the right decision regarding this. More than 30 brands of emergency contraceptive pills are available on the market. Let us start from the basics and then move on the question "Which pill to choose?"

Contraceptive pills are basically a type of birth control pills that can be used up to 120 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. These pills should not be confused with abortion pills. Contraceptive pills do not harm the foetus. Most contraceptive pills work similarly. These pills contain synthetic versions of naturally occurring female hormones, oestrogen and progesterone. Some pills are a combination of both the hormones and some contain only one. They work by preventing ovulation.

You can see great results if you use these pills in the right dosage. The most common side effects of these pills are vaginal discharge, headache, blood clots, weight gain/loss, nausea and sleeplessness. Most firm that are trying to market these pills claim that they are 99% effective but there have been no studies so far that can prove the effectiveness of over the counter emergency contraceptive pills. The effectiveness of the pill will reduce if you do not take it as prescribed. Also, ensure that you take only prescription drugs. Let us have a look at some effective prescription drugs available on the market.


Mercilon tablets contain two active ingredients, ethinylestradiol and desogestrel. Both these ingredients are synthetic version of progesterone and Oestrogen. It works by tricking the body that it is has already ovulated and hence prevents the egg from ripening and being released from the ovaries every month. Also, it thickens by mucus around the womb and makes it almost impossible for the sperm to reach there.


This pill is also a type of hormonal contraception contains synthetic version of naturally occurring female hormones. This pill, too, works by tricking the body in to believing that ovulation has already happened. Hence the egg is not released from the ovary. It also increases the thickness of the womb lining.

Cerazette (Mini Pill)

Cerazette contains degosterol, the synthetic form of the female hormone progesterone. Cerazette is also known as the mini pill and works by preventing ovulation. You need to take this drug back to back without a break and this includes the time when you are having your period. Ideally, start taking this drug exactly on the day your period starts.

Micronor (Mini Pill)

This pill is also, sometimes, referred to as "mini pill". It contains norethisterone. Micronor works by affecting the natural mucus at the cervix, increasing the thickness of the womb lining and preventing ovulation.

Always consult a doctor before choosing any contraceptive pill, as only a doctor can tell you which pill best suits you.

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