Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks Remove

Stretch marks occur when the skin is subjected to rapid increase in size and a scar forms where the skin over stretches. This can occur during pregnancy, rapid weight gain and even rapid weight loss.


Striae or stretch marks begin as a red or purple slash mark then may fade to a glossy mark of white or silvery color. The stretch marks occur in the dermis layer of the skin, which is normally elastic; but the demands of the rapid expansion or contraction taxes the elastin in the dermis creating a tear in the surface and a resulting scar or stretch mark.


The abdominal area, back, arms, hip, breast, lower back and legs are the most common areas for stretch marks to occur. Medical treatment for stretch marks may include Dermabrasion, chemical peels or laser surgery in severe cases.


It has long been rumored that women, or men, who develop stretch marks either have to spend a great deal of money to reduce the appearance of their stretch marks or just live with the unsightly scars. It is wonderful if you are comfortable with the way your body looks with stretch marks, but there are some of us in the world who would love to reduce or eliminate our stretch marks without relying on costly cosmetic procedures.


If your mother and grandmother are anything like mine, they have more than one way to prevent or treat stretch marks. The best way to prevent and treat your stretch marks begins with a healthy diet. Plenty of water keeps your body hydrated and keeps all systems working properly. You should be drinking at least eight 8 oz. glasses of water each day. Proper hydration keeps your skin elastic and helps keep collagen production at normal levels.


Adequate intake of Vitamins A, E, C and zinc also provide nutrition for your skin. Foods that are rich in these vitamins and minerals include fruits and vegetables, fish liver oils, almonds and other nuts, leafy greens, eggs, beans, and fish. A balanced diet which includes these essential foods can keep your skin healthy and help prevent and heal stretch marks.


Stress, oral contraceptives, and other hormone therapies can deplete your body's stores of the above essential nutrients that are so vital for skin health. Talk with your doctor about additional supplementation to your diet.


As far as creams or ointments go, there are a variety of inexpensive items you can try. Most of these products require discipline in their application, but they have been shown to at least improve the appearance of stretch marks and the appearance of your skin overall.


Find powerful herbal remedies Homemade Natural Remedy for Stretch Marks


Home Remedies for Stretch Marks:


It is very important to exercise in order to get rid of stretch marks; toning your muscles helps your skin to firm thus preventing stretch marks.


Make sure in your diet you are getting plenty of protein and foods rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E, they promote good tissue growth.


Massaging your body with olive oil or Vitamin E may help.


You can also try this homemade recipe: Mix one ounce of carrier oil ( try avocado, sweet almond, jojoba, they are the best ) with seven drops of lavender and five drops of chamomile.


Apply cocoa butter and/ or elastin cream though out the body as directed on label. These are very good for stretch marks.

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