Tuesday, June 28, 2011

EllaOne - An effective emergency contraceptive

Contraception is very important for women who want to take control of their lives. Earlier, women had to bear the consequences of a contraceptive failure and this would generally result in a baby. Imagine a woman who is not yet ready to have kids and she becomes pregnant by mistake. She not only goes through a lot of emotional trauma about how she is going to raise the child but she keeps on cursing her life later on that things could have been totally different in case she had control of her pregnancy. Well, now women can plan their pregnancy.

Contraceptive failures occur often but this does not mean that a woman will have to bear a child. Whenever your condom tears off or you just get caught up in the moment, you can still enjoy the sexual act and have an earth-shattering orgasm without the fear of getting pregnant. Generally, women lose interest in the remaining sexual act if there is some kind of contraceptive failure but now things have changed. Effective morning after pills such as ellaOne are available on the market and women can use them up to 5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

ellaOne works by releasing artificial progesterone in the body. Progesterone is a sex hormone, which tricks the body into believing that ovulation has already occurred and the body has released eggs from the ovaries. In doing so, the ingredients of this pill prevent the eggs from getting fertilised by sperm and in case the egg gets fertilised, ellaOne prevents the egg from embedding itself in the womb. The womb is the place where the fetus develops but since the egg cannot attach itself there, chances are close to nil that the woman will get pregnant.

This revolutionary drug can be taken up to 120 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse and it has been really successful in the market since its launch in 2009. Before this, only a few medications were available on the market and they too worked only for 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. There had been instances when certain emergency contraceptive pills did not work but this is not the case with ellaOne. Clinical studies show that ellaOne is 98% effective and this is also one of the reasons it has been so successful amongst women in such a short time.

ellaOne can be taken with or without food. In case you vomit within three hours of taking this drug, take one more and talk to a doctor immediately. This pill is generally very well tolerated in women and only 2 out of 100 women who use it get pregnant. As the name suggests, ellaOne should be used only during an emergency. Using it on a regular basis can lead to side effects such as decreased liver function, which can be harmful to the female body. Always consult a doctor before using this drug. Only a good doctor can check the suitability of this drug and prescribe it to you. Self medication can be dangerous.

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