Friday, June 24, 2011

Cure The Itching With A Good Yeast Infection Remedy

It is a fact that yeast infections are quite common among women, but most are silent about this infection as it can be quite embarrassing. The most common symptom is itchiness, which leads most to search for the best yeast infection remedy. This kind of infection is scientifically known as candidiasis, an infection caused by the massive growth of candida albicans, a species of yeast that is considered to be one of the microbial floras of the vagina. However, this condition has been found out not to be exclusive for women only.

Although candida albicans is typically found in small and reasonable amounts in distinct areas of the vagina, due to some triggering and environmental factors this species can massively grow in number. Once this happens, a yeast infection becomes inevitable. A sad fact is that four out of five women are suffering from this condition, and only one out of four are aware that this is caused by the candida yeast. There are several factors that contribute to the appearance of candidiasis.

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The use of contraceptives, steroids, and antibiotics, plus diabetes and pregnancy are some of the most common circumstances that trigger the appearance of the infection. And before a woman knows it, she is suddenly feeling the extreme itchiness this infection brings. But there are a number of yeast infection remedies to cure this problem, which you should know about if you are experiencing this problem.

If you are aware of the so called good bacteria, or probiotics, then you already have the best yeast infection remedy right before your very eyes. These probiotics are typically found within the walls of the digestive tract and the vagina; however, since there is an overgrowth of the albicans, there is also a need to have a competent number of probiotics to fight against it. Three species of lactobacillus, namely acidophilus, rhamnosus GR-1, and fermentum RC-14, have been found to be the most effective probiotics to fight against this problem. That is why they are incorporated in several nutritional drinks available on the market today. They are also available as oral supplements, so choose a drink or a supplement to help fight your infection.

The use of garlic has been recorded to be effective in combating yeast infections. Garlic clove and Shaklee garlic tabs can be used by either rubbing them against the itching area or taking them orally with lots of water, not only to hasten the relief but to get rid of the foul smell as well.

Drinking lots of water is another yeast infection remedy. Water flushes your system and since urine is acidic this can hinder the yeast's growth and eventually kill it. Now that you know that there is hope for the scratching and itching, be sure to try one of these remedies.

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