Monday, May 23, 2011

Signs of Bacterial Vaginosis - How to Get Rid of BV Symptoms

There are many signs of bacterial vaginosis (BV) that can ruin your life because they are quite bothersome, irritating and painful. These are common signs of the infection:

1. Grey vaginal discharge with a foul odor. The smell may be most noticeable when having   sex and tends to be heaviest just after a period, and after having sex.

2. Women with BV also may have burning sensation during urination or itching around the outside of the vagina.

3. Another sign of bacterial vaginosis is pain during intercourse.  You may notice that this symptom worsen during and after sex.

If any of these signs of bacterial vaginosis occurs to you, you may be infected by pathogenic bacteria in the vaginal area. Those bacteria are known as Bacteroides, Mobiluncus, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticu, and Chlamydia vaginitis.

Treating Bacteria Vaginosis

For some women, bacterial vaginosis goes away without treatment. But when the signs of bacterial vaginosis do not go away some actions should be taken. There are two ways in treating BV. One of them is antibiotic treatment (oral or vaginal). Many women that are treated with antibiotics may experience recurring BV infection. Antibiotics are designed to kill bacteria but unfortunately they can eliminate all kind of bacteria, which means they kill both "useful" and "harmful" bacteria. Destroying "useful" bacteria can make BV a recurring problem.

The other way is by dealing the problem with natural treatment which can address the underlying causes of BV and help ending the problem in a few days.

Some natural methods that can stop the signs of bacterial vaginosis are as follows:

1. Eating plain yogurt daily or you can apply yogurt directly to the vagina by inserting a tampon soaked in it.

2. Garlic has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Take garlic internally or you can apply it directly on the vagina.

3. To reduce inflammation you may use calendula herbs. Add 12 tsp of calendula to boiling water, mix well then use the mixture for douching. Tea tree oil, black walnut and enchinacea are also effective remedies to eliminate inflammation caused by BV.

Other important way to eliminate signs of bacteria vaginosis is by following healthy diet such as:

1. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and adding seed oil in your diet. Drink a lot of lots of water. Avoid alcohol, refined flour, processed foods, sugar, coffee and saturated fats.

2. Drink plenty of fruit juices such as orange juice or cranberry juice as they contain a lot of vitamin C that help to prevent recurring infections and help the treatment work more effectively.

To stop the bacteria from growing it is necessary to take care of your health by paying more attention to your hygiene.

• Use well washed and dry cotton under garments.

• Clean your vagina area often with mild soap. Avoid scented tampon and do not use chemical or perfumed douching as it may disturb the balance of the microorganisms the vagina area.



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