Thursday, September 13, 2012

Can Some Symptoms of Menopause Benefit From Omega 7?

There are one estimated 50 million women in the United States today and, according to the NAMS (North American Menopause Society) that translates to not fa from 2 million women per year that are reaching menopause.

Menopause is not a complaint but rather a natural occurrence in the lives of women while they age. The estrogen and progesterone hormones manage menstrual cycles and keep the material part fertile. As the aging process progresses, usually women in their recent 30's, the release of hormones begins to retrench. The degeneration of these hormones becomes besides evident into their 40's. When menstruation stops completely a woman is in menopause. Generally this occurs encompassing the age of 50, however in quest of women who have had various cancer treatments or a hysterectomy the period of life of the onset of menopause can be much lower.

Symptoms of menopause alter but generally include stress, hot flashes, rest disturbances, thinning hair, mood swings and vaginal dryness. Most of the symptoms are transient however a few remain into the courier-menopausal years, which include vaginal dryness.

In a fresh study conducted by The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Turku, Finland, it was concluded that surge buckthorn oil was a natural and active solution to contributing to the hale condition of mucous membranes including where vaginal dryness occurs, the urogenital patch. Additional benefits were documented in the hale condition of other mucous membranes in the visible form including digestive, respiratory and the internal surfaces of the eyes.

The study determined that inasmuch as sea buckthorn combines high levels of beneficial fat acids, plant-derived antioxidants, vitamins and introduce sterols it showed numerous beneficial personal estate of sea buckthorn oil on gummy membranes. The outcomes, which included: texture regeneration, improved immune function and reducing lipid peroxidation (that is responsible for releasing free radicals that conclusion in cell damage) were recorded.

Sea buckthorn oils, taken internally comprehend the highest amount of Omega 7 of at all known food source. It is Omega 7 that holds done against the state levels of beneficial fatty acids including Omegas 3, 6, 9, vitamins, and antioxidants... in integral over 190 bio active compounds.

The recommended quotidian dosage is from 250 mg. to 500 mg. of Omega 7 taken internally. Sibu, LLC, leaders in reward Himalayan sea buckthorn products, will promptly release a new line of ingestible Omega 7 products called Sibu Seven. The plenary line is derived from sea buckthorn young oils from a proprietary source and mode that grows, harvests and produces the nutrient-cond fruit oil into pure ingestibles that comprise no additional additives or preservatives.

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