Friday, September 9, 2011

Does drinking a lot of water help you lose weight?

Obesity or overweight is a very dangerous health issues. Many people already know this and they are trying to lose weight. But some of them are having trouble lowering their weight. Obesity is a major risk factor for many chronic diseases like diabetes. There are many ways to lose weight. In this article I will discuss how water can help you lose weight.

Water facts

66% of the human body consists of water. It exists within all our organs like brain, bones and blood. The total amount of water in an average adult is 37 litres. Brains contain 75%, bones contain 25% of water and blood contains 83% of water. You can see that human needs water very much.

Does drinking water help you lose weight?

Yes, drinking water will help you lose weight. There have been many researches on this. But you should remember that drinking lots of water alone will not help you lose weight if you eat a lot of high calorie food. It's like pouring water into a leak bucket. If you have done exercise regularly and eat right but still could not lose weight, you should try drinking a lot of water.

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