Monday, September 5, 2011

Canadian Pharmacies Legitimacy: Protecting Employee's Right to Breastfeeding and Maternity Leave

Women for some time now have managed to take care of their homes and continue their jobs to lead an economically stable life. However, motherhood demands they focus more on their children, especially infants who have to be breastfed. A recent study found women breastfeeding for a longer time if allowed more maternity leave. The finding has made Canadian pharmacies sit up and take notice.

Taking care of babies comes naturally to mothers, but modern lifestyle and maternity leave policies force them to make adjustments. Women find it difficult to adjust when they realize returning back to work early is a compulsion. Some cannot produce enough milk to breastfeed their babies and resort to motlilium or Domperidone. A longer maternity leave is bound to make them relax and bond with their babies for a longer time.

Breast pumps were introduced to help mothers who could not feed their babies naturally. These pumps are now commonly used at workplaces by women who find it difficult to devote sufficient time to feed their babies. The recent study followed up on maternity leave policies adopted in the United States. Maternity leave is not mandated for women, but the Family Medical Leave Act allows maternity leave period of 12 weeks without pay.

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