Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Some Common Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis

The disgusting white and gray discharges are also costing them a lot of money. These women are tired of having their lingerie wardrobe ruined, or having to wear pads and liners every day. Having bacterial vaginosis is expensive, embarrassing and annoying. However, the condition has served to bring about some benefits; women are doing some serious critical thinking and using their creative energies to come up with some home remedies for bacterial vaginosis.

Eating plenty of yogurts is one of the common home remedies for bacterial vaginosis. The idea is that the cultures will help to bring the body's bacterial balance back into order. In addition to the oral consumption of yogurt, many women have been known to dip cotton into plain yogurt and insert it into their vaginas. This method has actually been clinically tried and found to be quite helpful over time.

Drinking cranberry juice is also one of the common home remedies for bacterial vaginosis. This juice is supposed to aid the body in fighting the infection by killing off bacteria. In order to receive the best benefits through this method, women have to drink a high amount of cranberry juice every day.

Medicated douches are some of the non-edible home remedies for bacterial vaginosis. While douching on a regular basis is thought to be one of the direct causes of bacterial vaginosis, using these specially medicated douches are supposed to help out by killing off the bad bacteria. Besides purchasing an over-the-counter douche that is medicated, women can use a boric acid douche. This type of douche slows the growth of bacteria by acidifying the pH of the vagina.

Sometimes the home remedies for bacterial vaginosis consist not of what regimen must be added, but what should be avoided. One such remedy is to avoid using perfumed soaps. The perfume can also throw off the vagina's balance by killing the good bacteria and allowing the bad bacteria to take over. There are many brands of hypoallergenic soaps available on the market that will allow the vaginal balance to return to normal.

While there are some great home remedies for bacterial vaginosis, the problem is that they do not work for every woman. For the women who do find one that works great for them, these methods will not ensure that the bacterial vaginosis stays gone. They simply offer some temporary relief. However there are many ebooks available that offer solutions to this infection which are natural, powerful, and may keep the infection away.  These may serve as a great resource for clearing up the infection.

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