Monday, February 7, 2011

How long does menopause last?


Or at least all the torturous parts? I need to know how long my mom will be freaking out on my brother and me.


it lasts the rest of your life


A woman is menopausal after her periods have stopped for one year. Menopause typically occurs in a woman's late forties to early fifties. It is a normal part of aging, marking the end of a woman's reproductive years. More information and remedies at http://useinfo4.blogspot. com/


How old is your mom, and how long has she been going thru this? Sounds to me like she needs to see her OB/GYN or family doctor and get some meds to control her symptoms. Mood changes are a major part of Menopause and a major problem if not controlled. Her doctor could give some suggestions.


Menopause is a natural part of life. And when it comes to nature, stick with nature. Although seeing your doctor is important and recommended, taking drugs may not be the best thing for a problem that was not caused by drugs - but by nature. Stick with nature. My mom went through menopause a few years ago and at that time I was staying with her for a few months while changing jobs/going back to college. It was then that yes, she was driving me nuts, so I started researching ways to help relieve her symptoms. It was then that I decided to go back to college and get my Master's in Human Nutrition from Bridgeport U. because I saw the simplicity of healing the body naturally when it was nature causing the problem. She took some herbs and her symptoms went down. They had a free trial period for two bottles or two months or something. I'll list their website. Also drinking green or white tea every morning and doing yoga radically improved my mom's state of mind AND health. Although, she didn't start doing these until after she was taking some natural herbs to help calm and relax her - but either way, the tea and yoga helped a lot, too. Good luck and may I recommend getting out of the house early because that seemed to be the worst time for my mom.

Dania Beach
New England
Worthington Springs

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